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UNIX operating system

What is Unix???

Unix is an operating system is a set of program which act as an interface between user and computer.
It is developed in 1969 by At and T employees by Ken Thompson's,Dennis ritch and others.
Some Unix is are sun Solaris,m Ac is x etc

Parts of Unix is


The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It interacts with the hardware and most of the tasks like memory management, task scheduling and file management.

The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you type in a command at your terminal, the shell interprets the command and calls the program that you want. The shell uses standard syntax for all commands. C Shell, Bourne Shell and Korn Shell are the most famous shells which are available with most of the Unix variants.

3.commands and utilities

There are various commands and utilities which you can make use of in your day to day activities. cpmvcat and grep, etc. are few examples of commands and utilities. There are over 250 standard commands plus numerous others provided through 3rd party software. All the commands come along with various options..

How to login ???
Use command-login
To login into Unix
First enter your user ID press enter
Enter your password Nd press enter
If you don't have your user id and password then contact to your administration

You will be provided with a command prompt (sometime called the $ prompt ) where you type all your commands. 
System shutdown:::


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